Beginning to form paragraphs and stories
The student is able to tell stories with more complex sentence structures. These stories will include a background, episodes, examples and a conclusion. This will be most apparent when the topic is familiar to the student.
Can state opinions and ideas using details, reasons and complex sentences
The student can use their language to express their ideas and opinions when asked about them. As well as expressing them they will be able to give reasons and details about why they feel that way using complex sentences.
Lots of filler phrases
The student has a good vocabulary of phrases, because of this they will often fall back on them in order to give themselves time to come up with more complex sentences. They may repeat the same phrase often as they have found it works in most situations.
Can use tenses, but sometimes makes mistakes
The student is able to use tenses effectively, however there will still be some mistakes in mixing tenses or using incorrect verb tenses.
Displays effort to talk about abstract matters
The student will be able to talk about abstract topics that they are not knowledgeable about. Even if they do not have the specific vocabulary needed for the topic they can use their available vocabulary to describe whatever they are talking about. The student might fall back on a simpler sentence structure as they are having to think about the topic much more.
Example Sentence
I like all fruit but apples are my absolute favorite. The crunchy ah, texture and sweet taste is wonderful. When I was young, my grandmother used to ah, send us a box of apples from Aomori ah, every fall. So ah, it was my good memory. That’s why I like apples.