Weekly Topic Submission We want to hear from you! What interests you this week? Send us your ideas and in the classes you take this year your teachers will have the ability to share all anonymously shared ideas with their classes. If there is a news story that you want to talk about, interesting factoid, sporting victory or just a funny story that you noticed in the news. Our teachers are looking to make their classes as interesting as possible. Each week the submitted topics will be cleared for a new set, so that we stay up to date with what interests you.このフィールドはフォームの表示時には非表示になりますユーザー名このフィールドはフォームの表示時には非表示になりますEメールアドレス: Daily/Business*選択してください毎日ビジネスカテゴリー*選択してくださいJapanese NewsInternational NewsCurrent AffairsEnvironment教育ビジネステクノロジーTopic*