STEP 7: Session with Support Staff


  • 100種類以上の自己学習教材遊び放題 (毎週新教材登場)
  • 月1回無料グループレッスン(追加ポイントを購入すると個人レッスンを受けられます。)

STEP 5: Support Staff Session

Session Details

Please join a Zoom Session with ZE Support Staff, to check your audio settings, and learn about the Zoom classroom. (About 15min)

Before the Session: Please reserve an On-boarding session from the Go Live! Lesson page.


1.セッション予約:  Go Live! Lesson page.よりオンボーディングセッションを予約してください。(完全予約制)

Shy? Don't Worry!: カメラはOFFのままで大丈夫!

ご質問はいつでもサポートスタッフまでご連絡ください: お問い合わせページ or E-mail :



Basic Memberships - After the Session: You will be sent a link to so you can claim your 3 free Go Live! lessons.

Shy? Don't Worry!: *You do not have to turn on your camera!

Questions: Feel free to contact our support team anytime! クリック to go to the ZEnglish Support page; or E-mail us at


You are ready! Enjoy ZE Lessons! 
