STEP 4: Session with Support Staff


  • 100種類以上の自己学習教材遊び放題 (毎週新教材登場)
  • 月1回無料グループレッスン(追加ポイントを購入すると個人レッスンを受けられます。)

STEP 4: Support Staff Session

Session Details

Please join a Zoom Session with ZE Support Staff, to check your audio settings, and learn about the Zoom classroom.

Before the Session: Please read pages 2-4 of the ZEnglish Guide below, and reserve an On-boarding session from the Go Live! Lesson page.

The Day of Session:
1. Sign in your Zoom Account. *FAQ: How to sign in Zoom Account
2. Please open the monopoly card for the class you reserved on the Go Live! Lessons page, then click the enter class button at the class starting time.
3. Click “Open Zoom Meeting”

4. Click “Attend the Meeting with Computer”

5. Welcome! Entered the Classroom!

During the Session: Support Staff will go over pages 5-9 of the ZEnglish Guide below with you (around 15 minutes).

Basic Memberships - After the Session: You will be sent a link to so you can claim your 3 free Go Live! lessons.

Shy? Don't Worry!: *You do not have to turn on your camera!

Questions: Feel free to contact our support team anytime! クリック to go to the ZEnglish Support page; or E-mail us at

ZEnglish Guide

You are ready! Enjoy ZE Lessons! 
