Horse Racing
George - Advanced

Horse racing is popular across the world, but it’s especially popular in the United Kingdom.
In the UK, the most famous horse race is Royal Ascot. The Queen and the rest of the Royal family attend.
When posh people go to Royal Ascot, it is traditional for them to wear a designer hat or other headgear. The hats are often comical and impractical, but it’s a show of status. Members of the Royal Family and celebrities often wear crazy hats to Royal Ascot.
It’s common for people to debate which jockey is the best or which horse is the fastest.
Definition: (adverb) chiefly or particularly
Ex: That horse is especially fast compared to the others.
Definition: (adjective) upper class, wealthy or luxurious
Ex: You don’t have to be posh to speak like the Queen.
Definition: (adjective) created by a famous designer or design brand
Ex: I love wearing designer dresses to the races.
Definition: (adjective) produces laughter; funny
Ex: She’s wearing a comical hat.
Definition: (noun) a professional horse-rider
Ex: Jockeys are usually short.