George - Super

Drones are robots operated remotely, like an unmanned airplane or weapon, or small, servant robots with low intelligence in science fiction.
Drones are controversially used by military forces to perform missile strikes on dangerous targets, to dispose of explosives, or to rescue people in hazardous ruins. Canary drones are used in mining to check if places are safe for miners.
Drones are replacing humans in many areas where it’s too dangerous to send people, but they are also beginning to appear in our domestic lives, the Roomba vacuums our carpet, and drones deliver packages faster than any postman can.
Definition: (verb) to cause to work or function
Example Sentence: I am not sure how to operate this machine.
Definition: (noun) the ability to learn or understand
Example Sentence: AI stands for artificial intelligence.
Definition: (adjective) causing or likely to cause disagreement between people
Example Sentence: It is a controversial policy which has attracted a lot of attention.
Definition: (verb) to help someone or something out of a dangerous situation
Example Sentence: They tried to rescue the man, but the mission had to be aborted.
Definition: (adjective) risky or dangerous
Example Sentence: Too much drinking may be hazardous to your health.